Parties to GlobalFoundries' case seeking utility status have not reached an agreement on a greenhouse gas reduction plan for the company.
Beekeeping, crops and cattle grazing represent opportunities for agrivoltaics, panelists at the annual Renewable Energy Vermont conference said.
Offshore wind is often mismatched with consumer demand for electricity; better transmission planning can help avoid curtailment, congestion, report says.
Jared and Corin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Consultants to the Vermont Climate Council modeled GHG emission reductions based on proposed actions from the council’s Cross-sector Mitigation Subcommittee.
Phelps Turner with Conservation Law Foundation Maine says RGGI should allocate at least 70% of program investments to overburdened communities.
The actions needed to harden Vermont’s infrastructure against climate change likely will include utility upgrades such as microgrid projects and smart grid technologies.
HopsonRoad, CC BY-3.0, via Wikimedia
Vermont Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale first introduced an environmental justice bill in 2007, but the state hasn't codified an official policy on the issue yet.
The buzz about solar energy includes honey bees. Welcome to the world of agrivoltaic farming.
Sen. Bernie Sanders assured Vermont energy committees that the budget reconciliation bill would provide the funding they need for climate initiatives.
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations for following New York’s model on establishing a social cost of carbon for climate action plan analyses.
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