Stephen Flanders, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Amy Laura Cahn of the Vermont Law School said the Vermont Climate Council should spend extra time on the equity component of the state's climate plan.
A portion of Vermont's climate-related funding for fiscal year 2022 will come from the state's $1.05 billion federal rescue plan aid package.
Vermont energy officials will be looking at tradeoffs among policies and milestones for success for the state's next energy plan.
Ski manufacturer Renoun used the Climate Neutral emissions estimator to help it face up to the environmental footprint of its business.
Vermont Climate Council is concerned it won't have time for proper public dialogue on equity to inform the state's climate plan.
The Vermont Climate Council could reinterpret its statutory obligations to delay delivery of the state's first climate action plan.
The Moran Frame project in Burlington, Vt., will turn a shuttered coal plant into a 65-foot-high public art piece that symbolizes the city's energy story.
The Vermont Public Utility Commission is seeking input again in proceedings it opened in 2019 to consider draft net-metering and interconnection rules.
The Vermont Climate Council has begun aligning the state’s Comprehensive Energy Plan with a new Climate Action Plan due at year-end.
State energy officials in New England held an online technical forum to discuss equity and environmental justice issues.
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