Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)

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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Oct. 29, 2020
The Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed revisions to PJM’s rules for liquidating defaulted financial transmission rights positions.
Mixed FERC Rulings for SPP Compliance Filings
FERC approved SPP’s affected-system order compliance filing and the RTO's proposal to revise its fast-start pricing practices.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Sept. 23, 2020
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey told stakeholders that staff are determining whether a technical problem related to the demand curve reset violates the Tariff.
SPP SPC Takes on Congestion Hedging Issues
The SPP Strategic Planning Committee will see if it can come up with a solution on how to modify the RTO’s congestion-hedging practices.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Sept. 17, 2020
PJM stakeholders endorsed expanding the use of synchrophasors and making them a requirement for certain projects under the RTEP.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Sept. 9, 2020
Con Ed won approval from the NYISO BIC of a proposal to increase the exemption from real-time generation penalties for units that supply steam to New York City.
PJM Monitor Reports Record-low Energy Prices
PJM energy prices were lower in the first half of 2020 than any first six-month period since the creation of the RTO’s markets in 1999.
PJM MIC Briefs: Aug. 5, 2020
PJM stakeholders unanimously endorsed revisions related to deadline changes for adjustments associated with finalizing the zonal network service peak load values.
CAISO Proposal Sets Course for EIM Day-ahead
CAISO issued a proposal outlining the leading edge of its plan to bring day-ahead trading to the Western Energy Imbalance Market.
SPP MOPC Briefs: July 15-16, 2020
SPP stakeholders once again took a crack to resolve a weighty issue in determining how futures will be considered in the RTO’s 2021 transmission plan study.

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