Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)

PJM MIC Briefs: July 8, 2020
The PJM MIC endorsed the sunsetting of a longstanding subcommittee on intermittent resources and accepted the charter of a new committee.
FERC Approves SPP’s 2nd Go at Dropping Z2 Credits
FERC approved SPP’s proposal to eliminate revenue credits for sponsored transmission upgrades under Attachment Z2 and replace them with incremental long-term congestion rights.
PJM Responds to IMM Report
PJM has responded to the Market Monitor’s annual State of the Market Report, highlighting five different areas of focus out of hundreds of recommendations.
PJM Revises Consultant Scope for ARR/FTR Review
PJM revised its proposed review of its ARR and FTR markets as stakeholders decide whether to put work on the issue on hiatus until a report is completed.
GreenHat Maneuvers to Remove FERC from Shell Case
GreenHat Energy has filed a motion to bar FERC’s Office of Enforcement from working on a breach-of-contract case involving Shell Energy.
ERCOT Briefs: Week of June 1, 2020
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee unanimously approved a change to how emergency response service resources return following recall.
PJM TOs Outline End-of-life Tariff Amendments
Stakeholders challenged a proposal to amend the PJM Tariff regarding end-of-life projects at the Transmission Owners Agreement-Administrative Committee.
PJM ARR/FTR Review Could Pit LSEs vs. Financial Traders
PJM is moving forward with its plan to hire a consultant to conduct a review of the RTO’s auction revenue rights and financial transmission rights.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: May 27, 2020
The ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee approved the Corpus Christi North Shore transmission project to address more than 1 GW of industrial load growth.
PJM MRC Briefs: May 28, 2020
The PJM MRC endorsed a proposal to allow market participants to use surety bonds as collateral for all market purposes except financial transmission rights.

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