Financial Transmission Rights (FTR)

PJM MIC Briefs: May 13, 2020
The MIC will choose between a PJM proposal and one from the Monitor to resolve pricing and dispatch misalignment issues in the fast-start pricing plan.
SPP Board/Members Committee Briefs: April 28, 2020
SPP’s Board of Directors approved the first two revision requests stemming from the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team’s work.
SPP Strategic Planning Committee Briefs: April 15, 2020
SPP Board Chair Larry Altenbaumer asked the Strategic Planning Committee for an education session on congestion hedging following stakeholder disagreement.
PJM MIC Briefs: April 15, 2020
The Market Implementation Committee held discussions on credit requirements and stability-limited generators, and received updates on the ARR/FTR Market Task Force and the nGEM project.
Trader Challenges PJM FTR Forfeiture Rules
XO Energy has filed a new challenge to the way PJM and its Independent Market Monitor prevent gaming in the FTR market.
CAISO CRRs Still Losing Money, but Less
CAISO’s congestion revenue rights auction continued to lose money in 2019 but less than in prior years, the Department of Market Monitoring said.
FERC OKs Broader Market Protections for MISO
FERC approved MISO’s proposal to bar participants from its market when it identifies evidence of default, manipulation or unreasonable risk.
PJM Members OK Tighter Credit Rules
Stakeholders on Thursday overwhelmingly approved an overhaul of PJM’s rules for managing the credit risks of market participants.
FERC Sides With PJM on Pseudo-tie Challenges
FERC rejected rehearing requests over the commission’s November 2017 order approving PJM’s tougher requirements for pseudo-tied generators.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Feb. 20, 2020
PJM's meetings had discussions on opportunity costs, collateral requirements, resource adequacy and TOs' controversial plans for reducing critical assets.

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