September 28, 2024

Other Coverage

ERCOT Market Adjusting to ‘The New Normal’
In 2019, ERCOT withstood extreme heat and loss of wind power during some of the hottest days to meet multiple demand peaks exceeding the previous year.
FERC’s ‘Rifts’ Only Widened in 2019
The party-line feud between FERC commissioners over whether to consider GHG emissions in reviews of natural gas infrastructure continued last year.
Climate is Human Rights Issue, Former NYPSC ALJ Says
Former New York PSC administrative law judge Eleanor Stein spoke about the nexus between climate change and human rights at Bennington College.
Book on Tx Developer Transmits Climate Hope
Russell Gold and Michael Skelly appeared at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy to promote the new book: "Superpower."
SPP Seeks Slimmer Stakeholder Group Structure
SPP has launched an initiative to trim the number of stakeholder groups in its organizational structure, saying it will improve the RTO’s effectiveness.
Green ‘Moon Shot’ not Possible, Physicist Tells NERC Forum
Physicist Mark P. Mills gave the NERC Leadership Summit a blistering & entertaining critique, saying a rapid shift from hydrocarbons is delusional.
NERC CCC Briefs: March 12, 2019
After 12 years as the FERC-delegated ERO, it’s time for NERC to reconsider its approach, GC Berardesco told the Compliance & Certification Committee.
Carias, Buffington Smoothly Assume MOPC Leadership
For a historic moment for SPP, the ascension of two women to the RTO’s Markets and Operations Policy Committee leadership was fairly low-key.
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Texas PUC’s Botkin Applies Life Lessons to Work
Shelly Botkin, the Public Utility Commission of Texas' newest member, has hardly followed a conventional path to becoming a utility regulator.
Q&A: PJM’s Ott Still Looking West
PJM CEO Andy Ott sat down with RTO Insider for the second time this year to discuss the RTO’s perspective on a Western market.

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