Special Reports

IEA Calls on World Leaders to Close Net-zero ‘Ambition Gap’
IEA released its annual World Energy Outlook a month earlier than usual as a guide for policymakers ahead of the U.N.'s Glasgow conference in November.
Biden Admin Announces New Tx Expansion Measures
The U.S. DOT issued guidance on working with its state counterparts to facilitate the use of existing highway rights of way for building transmission lines.
New York Preps Statewide GHG Emissions Report
New York officials held the first of three public hearings as they prepare the first annual report of statewide GHG emissions required by the CLCPA.
Report: Congress Should Pass a National Transmission Policy
A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine calls for an expanded role for federal leadership in transmission planning.
Drop in GHG Emissions Illusory, Advocates Warn
U.S. greenhouse gas emissions dropped by 9% in 2020, but experts say a repeat performance is unlikely.
Report: ‘Social Contract’ Needed for Decarbonization
The focus on technology in the transition to a carbon-free economy ignores the social impacts of the changes, the National Academies said in a report.
Calif., NY, DC top ACEEE EV Scorecard
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy released its first-ever State Transportation Electrification Scorecard.
Study: Biomass Better for Carbon Capture than Energy
Biomass is more valuable for its carbon-capture ability than its energy production, according to a study released by the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum.
Study: No Silver Bullet for Fossil-Climate Legal Tension
An Energy Law Journal case study creviews state climate policies that are inconsistent with others that support residential customer access to natural gas.
New FERC Rules Sought on Transmission Planning
A group of former FERC chairs said the commission should issue new transmission planning rules to help decarbonize and provide resilience & energy security.

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