September 28, 2024

Special Reports

Counterflow: More Smoking Guns for the Clunkers
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that the Energy Department's grid resiliency pricing NOPR was issued at the behest of the coal industry.
Overheard at the GCPA SPP Regional Conference
Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath cut attendance to the Gulf Coast Power Association’s fourth annual SPP Regional Conference by nearly 20%.
Rates, Renewables Boost Avangrid Q2 Earnings
Avangrid earned $120 million in the second quarter, up 17% because of new rate plans, improved cost management and increased renewable energy production.
Western Utilities Bought 3X Planned Wind, Study Says
A Department of Energy study found that Western U.S. utilities procured three times more wind capacity than planned in 2003-2014.
RESISTANCE — Tesla Powerwall Redux
In the latest "Resistance," columnist Steve Huntoon goes over why the Tesla Powerwall home battery system makes no economic sense.
Public Interest Groups Cry Foul over Technical Conference, RTO Transparency
Public interest groups say they were shut out of last week’s FERC technical conference on tensions between state energy policies and wholesale markets.
California Here We Come?
Witness after witness at the FERC technical conference cited California competitive wholesale markets, often in an unflattering context.
ISO-NE Two-Tier Auction Proposal Gets FERC Airing
ISO-NE presented its proposal for a two-tiered capacity auction that would incorporate state-mandated renewable generation at the FERC technical conference.
RTO Markets at Crossroads, Hobbled FERC Ponders Options
More than 50 stakeholders from PJM, NYISO and ISO-NE made their cases to FERC on how to resolve conflicts between energy policies and wholesale markets.
NYISO Sees Carbon Adder as Way to Link ZECs to Markets
NYISO told FERC it is considering a carbon adder as a means to link the state’s zero-emission credits (ZECs) to its wholesale electric market.

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