CAISO Interconnection Process Enhancements Initiative

FERC OKs CAISO Plan to Streamline Interconnection Process
FERC approved CAISO’s request to further streamline its generator interconnection process in response to the high volume of requests in its interconnection queue.
FERC Approves CAISO Plan to Streamline Interconnection Process
FERC approved CAISO's proposal to streamline its generator interconnection process to deal with the “unprecedented volume” of interconnection requests it received in 2023.
JPxG, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
CAISO Interconnection Enhancements Proposal Still in Flux

The issue of how to allocate transmission plan deliverability for projects with long lead-time network and reliability upgrades remained the center of discussion at a CAISO Interconnection Process Enhancements Working Group meeting.

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