September 28, 2024

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

Thermo King
Transportation Companies Turn to Solar, Hybrid Refrigeration
Cargo transportation companies are replacing diesel-powered generators with units fueled by solar, batteries and regenerative brake energy in an effort to cut emissions from refrigerated containers and trucks.
California Air Resources Board
California GHG Emissions Decreased 2.4% in 2022
California’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by 2.4% in 2022 compared with the prior year, with the largest decrease seen in the transportation sector, according to a report by the California Air Resources Board.
California Energy Commission
Calif. Regulators Assess Benefits, Social Costs of Energy Transition
Assessing the social costs and “nonenergy benefits” of energy production is a key focus in implementing California’s Senate Bill 100.
CEC Reduces Calif. Electricity Forecast on Lower Population Growth
Slower anticipated growth in California’s population has prompted state regulators to downwardly revise the electricity demand forecast used for grid planning. 
CARB to Consider Transferable ZEV Truck Credits
CARB is exploring whether zero-emission truck credits that manufacturers earn under the Advanced Clean Trucks regulation should be transferable among states.
New Jersey to Adopt Advanced Clean Cars II Rule
New Jersey has adopted California's Advanced Clean Cars II rule,  sparking relief from supporters who pushed for it to be ready for the 2027 model year. 
Popular Incentive Dropped from CARB’s $624M EV Funding Package

The agency approved a $624 million clean transportation incentive funding package but said goodbye to a flagship program that helped consumers buy zero-emission vehicles.

California Far Outpacing Clean Truck Targets

Truck manufacturers have been racking up zero-emission vehicle credits in advance of California’s Advanced Clean Trucks rule taking effect with model year 2024, a new report shows.

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Focused Strategies Needed to Electrify ‘Frontline’ Communities
To decarbonize homes in low-income communities, agencies need to remove administrative barriers, consider all types of housing and prepare for a hotter world, experts said.
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Manufacturers Commit to Helping California Reach 2030 Heat Pump Goal
Nine of the world's largest makers of building heating and cooling equipment have signed on to support California's goal of having 6 million new electric heat pumps by 2030.

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