carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS)
Biden’s infrastructure plan includes a 10-year extension of the ITC for solar and storage, a new Grid Deployment Authority at DOE.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee considered the LIFT Act, which would allocate $312 billion for building and upgrading electric infrastructure.
With Democrats holding slim majorities in both chambers of Congress, Sen. Joe Manchin (D) has outsize influence on energy and environmental legislation.
The Carbon Capture Coalition is pushing Congress to provide a direct-pay option for the 45Q tax credit and extend the deadline for qualifying.
Sen. Joe Manchin expressed confidence the U.S. can reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 but insisted commercial-scale CCS must be part of the solution.
Biomass is more valuable for its carbon-capture ability than its energy production, according to a study released by the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum.
Renewables, energy efficiency and carbon capture all won tax break extensions in the massive stimulus and budget bill approved by Congress.
More than 300 people tuned in to a decarbonization workshop hosted by NYSERDA and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation.
NRG Energy advised ERCOT that it plans to mothball its Petra Nova Power plant, centerpiece of the world’s largest carbon-capture facility.
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee called attention to federal efforts to encourage emerging technologies aimed at carbon dioxide management.
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