
FERC: RGGI, Voluntary RECs Exempt from MOPR
FERC clarified voluntary renewable energy credits and participation in RGGI will not subject capacity resources to PJM’s expanded minimum offer price rule.
PJM Makes MOPR Compliance Filing
PJM filed Tariff changes to comply with FERC’s controversial order requiring expansion of the MOPR to new state-subsidized resources.
PJM Proposes Auction for 6 Months After FERC Ruling
PJM plans to hold the next Base Residual Auction about six months after they receive FERC approval of its compliance filing implementing the expanded MOPR.
Dominion: FERC MOPR Rulings Inconsistent on Self-supply
Dominion asked FERC to reconsider its conclusion self-supply resources suppress PJM capacity prices, saying it is inconsistent with an exemption in NYISO.
Consumer Advocates Appeal MOPR Order to DC Circuit
Consumer advocates asked the D.C. Circuit Court to review FERC’s order expanding PJM’s MOPR despite FERC not acting on numerous requests for rehearing.
PJM Stakeholders Get First Look at MOPR Floor Costs
PJM stakeholders got their first look at the price floors that could be applied for capacity resources under the expanded minimum offer price rule.
MOPR a Non-issue for Some PJM States
FERC’s Dec. 19 order expanding PJM’s minimum offer price rule prompted outrage among some officials in the RTO’s 13-state footprint.
PJM’s MOPR Quandary: Should States Stay or Should they Go?
RTO Insider held a webinar with regulators from five of PJM’s biggest states to find out how they plan to respond to FERC’s Dec. 19 order expanding MOPR.
PJM May Compress BRA Schedule over MOPR
PJM may compress the schedule for the delayed 2022/23 Base Residual Auction and subsequent auctions in response to FERC’s order expanding the MOPR.
Glick Warns Capacity Rules Putting RTOs ‘in Peril’
FERC Commissioner Richard Glick said he thinks the commission needs to revisit capacity markets or risk putting “in peril the future of RTOs in general.”

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