GreenHat Energy

Shell Demands Seat at GreenHat Settlement Table
Shell wants a seat at the GreenHat settlement table, saying it could bear a disproportionate financial burden based on its outcome.
FERC Upholds NYISO Treatment of ESCO as Successor
FERC upheld NYISO’s decision to deny a New York energy service company’s application to join until its predecessor pays its outstanding debt.
Battle over FTR Reform Shaping up in PJM
A battle over the future of the financial transmission rights market looms for PJM as stakeholders dig into the causes behind the GreenHat Energy default.
PJM MIC Briefs: June 12, 2019
PJM stakeholders were reminded that the clock will soon start ticking on the 90-day settlement period for working out how to unwind the GreenHat default.
MISO Proposes Protections for FTR Market
MISO proposed a set of changes to buttress its FTR market and said it will convene a new task team to work out the details of the fledging proposal.
FERC: PJM Settle Disputes Before GreenHat Hearing
FERC gave PJM stakeholders just 90 days to settle all disputes about how to best liquidate FTRs left over from the GreenHat default.
RTO Board Members Share Views on Oversight Role
Present and former RTO board members at the Energy Bar Association’s annual meeting quickly seized control, asking questions of each other.
PJM Advocates: Slow Down on Market Reforms, Except FTRs
Most of PJM’s recent market rule changes went too quickly for advocate groups, though their desire for deceleration stops at financial transmission rights.
PJM Members Committee Briefs: May 7, 2019
PJM stakeholders gathered for a special Members Committee meeting in Cambridge, Md., as part of the RTO’s Annual Meeting.
PJM Sector Whips Criticize Board over Private Meeting Program
Sector whips chastised the PJM Board for privately agreeing to a meeting as part of a pilot program intended to improve dialogue with stakeholders

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