October 5, 2024

load growth

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Overheard at the 76th Annual NECPUC Symposium
Angst over looming load growth, cost increases and reliability headaches headlined the 76th annual New England Conference of Public Utilities Commissioners Symposium.
Senate ENR Committee
Manchin not Ready to Give up on Bipartisan Permitting Bill
Sen. Joe Manchin rebuffed Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's assertion that permitting reform was dead in the current Congress during an Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on load growth from data centers.
NERC Summer Assessment Sees Some Risk in Extreme Heat Waves
NERC’s 2024 Summer Reliability Assessment found that every region has met its reserve margin targets but that many areas would face difficult operations in lengthy, widespread heat waves.
Electric cat, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AEP Ohio Asks PUCO for Data Center-specific Tariffs
AEP Ohio is asking state regulators to create new tariffs that would force data center developers to pay for 90 to 95% of their projected electrical demand for their first 10 years of operation, even if they use less.
The Brattle Group
Brattle Report Details Impact of ‘Lumpy’ Loads on Utility Forecasts
ISO-NE Predicts 10% Increase in Peak Demand by 2033
ISO-NE is predicting that New England’s peak load will increase by about 10%, and electricity consumption by 17%, by 2033, according to its 2024 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission report.
Data Center Load Growth Driving PPL’s Plans
Rising demand from data centers will lead to increased investment in transmission in PPL’s utility territories, executives said during a first-quarter earnings call.
NextEra Energy
NextEra: Solar and Storage Best Bet to Meet Load Growth
Projected load growth nationwide from data centers, electrification and increased domestic manufacturing will drive increasing demand for renewables, NextEra Energy CEO John Ketchum said during a first-quarter earnings call.
Western Power Pool
WRAP Participants Seek 1-Year Delay to ‘Binding’ Operations
Citing “significant new headwinds” to securing energy resources, participants in the Western Resource Adequacy Program are seeking to delay the program’s “binding” penalty phase by one year, to summer 2027.
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GCPA Spring Conference Reckons with Texas-sized Load Additions
The Gulf Coast Power Association Spring Conference tackled the vexing assignment of how to reliably serve Texas’ unprecedented surge in demand with a cleaner energy supply.

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