load-serving entities (LSEs)

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MISO Ponders Redistributing LSEs’ MW Obligations Based on Demand During Risky Periods
MISO hopes to mete out different reserve margin obligations to its load-serving entities as it sees bigger perils on the horizon.
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MISO Sets Surplus Reserve Margin Requirement for LSEs Opting Out of Capacity Auction
Load-serving entities that decide against participating in MISO’s capacity auction must secure anywhere from 1.5% to 4.2% beyond their reserve margin requirements in the 2025/26 planning year.
New York DPS Recommends New Method for Determining Peak Hours
The New York Department of Public Service presented a proposal for updating the method by which NYISO determines peak load hours to the ISO’s Installed Capacity Working Group.
FERC Approves CAISO Plan to Streamline Interconnection Process
FERC approved CAISO's proposal to streamline its generator interconnection process to deal with the “unprecedented volume” of interconnection requests it received in 2023.
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Financial Firm Finds MISO FTR Market Needs Work
A financial consulting firm said that MISO’s auction revenue rights and financial transmission rights market needs updating to keep up with the changing grid.
Energy and Environmental Economics
Study Suggests Texas LSEs Can Provide Reliability
A new white paper proposes creating an LSE Reliability Obligation in ERCOT that would assign Texas utilities a certain amount of capacity to maintain.

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