MISO market platform replacement
FERC accepted MISO’s second try at Order 2222 compliance, allowing MISO time to prepare through mid-2029 before it fully accepts aggregators of distributed energy resources into its markets in 2030.
MISO’s new day-ahead market clearing engine should move into standalone production near the end of September following a delay in testing, RTO executives said.
MISO says it’s making steady progress on having a new market platform installed completely by the end of next year and will debut a new day-ahead market clearing engine this spring.
Stakeholder groups, including state regulators, protested MISO’s FERC Order 2222 compliance filing, many indignant over the request to delay implementation.
MISO says that aggregations of distributed energy resources lining up for its wholesale markets must wait until the end of the decade before gaining entry.
MISO's first in-person meeting since COVID-19 surfaced covered its budget, its ongoing market platform replacement and how to handle future meetings.
MISO’s leadership has offered additional justification on its request to delay until 2025 incorporating energy storage resources into its markets.
In 2020 MISO managed remotely, redefining reliability standards, reorganizing its capacity market and launching a long-term transmission planning effort.
The MISO Planning Subcommittee urged members to prepare for its new Model Manager and reported nearly 900 active transmission projects.
MISO’s market platform replacement is $20M over budget as staff navigate the intricacies of replacing a decades-old system and pandemic-related issues.
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