New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)
A panel of energy experts took ISO-NE’s capacity market to task, lambasting the region’s Forward Capacity Market and offering ideas about how to improve it.
RTOs and others opposed FERC's proposed penalties for missing interconnection study deadlines while generation developers balked at commercial readiness rules.
A group of New England suppliers is raising worries about the costs of the cost-of-service agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic Generating Station.
NESCOE urged ISO-NE to share confidential data about fuel supply and grid reliability with FERC ahead of the upcoming winter.
ISO-NE is touting several “enhancements” to its current governance practices in a recent memo to state energy officials intended to appease frustration.
Utility regulators from Maine and Massachusetts shared their thoughts on the path forward on Pathways.
The 2050 transmission study, Cape Cod curtailments and planning for geomagnetic disturbances were all on the agenda at the ISO-NE PAC meeting.
Massachusetts broke from NESCOE's stance on the elimination of ISO-NE's MOPR, saying the rule should be disposed of as soon as possible, without any delay.
The preliminary results of ISO-NE’s 2050 Transmission Study suggests that New England will need to build new transmission and shift existing resources.
A draft study evaluating ways to decarbonize New England’s power sector finds multiple advantages for carbon pricing, but also significant tradeoffs.
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