New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)
FERC’s Republican minority is arguing that the commission’s recent decision on the Weymouth Compressor Station is leading to uncertainty for gas developers.
Resource adequacy concerns and market rules and transmission infrastructure to support state clean energy policies highlight the issues facing ISO-NE in 2022.
FERC Commissioner Allison Clements told the ISO-NE CLG that the U.S. is facing a changing resource mix that requires intelligent transmission planning.
ISO-NE stakeholders approved tariff changes that incorporate a new transmission planning process focused beyond the RTO’s current 10-year planning horizon.
ISO-NE presented to the PAC its scope of work and modeling assumptions for its 2050 Transmission Study.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee held its first in-person meeting since March 2020 after going exclusively virtual during the COVID-19 pandemic.
State solicitations have helped lower offshore wind prices, but DEEP Commissioner Katie Dykes says the next challenge for the sector is transmission.
ISO-NE announced the election of its four-person 2021 Board of Directors slate that will expand the board to 11 members for one year.
Stakeholders told the ISO-NE Consumer Liaison Group that the RTO and NEPOOL still need greater transparency and changes to governance.
ISO-NE presented its proposed 2022 operating and capital budgets to the NEPOOL Participants Committee.
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