New England States Committee on Electricity (NESCOE)
FERC’s proposed policy statement on carbon pricing won wide support, although some expressed doubt that it will spur adoption.
The NEPOOL Participants Committee acted on consent agenda items and discussed ISO-NE's "vision for the future" and winter readiness.
Mike Jacobs, senior energy analyst for the Union of Concerned Scientists, argues for more transparency in RTOs' and ISOs' GHG emissions.
FERC rejected ISO-NE’s proposed Energy Security Improvements, saying it would add substantial costs “without meaningfully improving fuel security.”
ISO-NE announced its Cape Cod Resource Integration Study that will focus on new transmission infrastructure to interconnect queued generation
FERC Commissioner Glick promotes cooporation between states, RTOs and FERC in moving toward renewable energy.
NESCOE called on ISO-NE to increase its transparency and the role of states, saying the current structure is incompatible with their clean energy efforts.
ISO-NE stakeholders said the call for reforms by New England governors is a precursor to a seismic shift in relations between the states and the RTO.
The governors of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Vermont released a joint statement calling for reforms to ISO-NE.
The NEPOOL Markets Committee discussed 13 amendments to proposed updates to parameters for the 2022 capacity auction.
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