power marketing administration (PMA)

Bonneville Power Administration
BPA Employees Confront Trump’s ‘Fork in the Road’
Employees of the Bonneville Power Administration received the same buyout offer from the Trump administration as millions of other federal workers — despite the agency's self-funding model.
WAPA Sierra Nevada Region to Advance with EDAM
The Western Area Power Administration said its Sierra Nevada region will pursue “final negotiations” to join CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market, notching another — if expected — victory for the ISO in its competition with SPP’s Markets+.  
West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative
Comments on Western RO Stakeholder Plan Show Complexity of Effort
Stakeholder comments filed with the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative illustrate the complexity of building the new kind of Western regional organization envisioned by backers of the effort.

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