tariff revisions

MISO Clarifies LMR Performance Rules
FERC allowed MISO to edit its tariff to clear up performance rules for load-modifying resources. Its new ruleset clarifies how performance is evaluated.
PJM MRC/MC Preview: Jan. 27, 2021
A summary of the issues scheduled to be brought to a vote at the PJM Markets and Reliability and Members committees on Jan. 27, 2021.
NEPOOL MC Supports Changes to End Price Locks
NEPOOL’s Markets Committee recommend the Participants Committee support tariff changes that would prevent resources from locking in prices for seven years.
PJM MIC Briefs: Jan. 12, 2021
Stakeholders at PJM's MIC meeting challenged the use of the “quick fix process” and endorsed a proposed package addressing PRD credits.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Jan. 13, 2021
The NYISO Business Issues Committee OK'd meter-related manual revisions and discussed updates to the 2019 CARIS database.
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PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Dec. 17, 2020
PJM's Markets and Reliability and Members Committees met to discuss market rules, tariff revisions and elect several new members.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Dec. 16, 2020
NYISO's Management Committee heard a presentation on the ISO's Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and discussed the challenges of the past year.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Dec. 9, 2020
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee voted to recommend approval of Tariff revisions and to apply the TAM rules to landfill gas, wind and solar resources.
FERC Partly Rejects CAISO Deliverability Enhancements
FERC partly rejected CAISO Tariff revisions seeking deliverability enhancements for interconnection customers, saying a proposal to limit self-scheduling by some generators wasn’t reasonable.
FERC Orders Fast-start Rules for PJM, NYISO
FERC ordered PJM and NYISO to revise their tariffs to allow fast-start resources to set clearing prices, saying current rules are not just and reasonable.

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