August 2021
Entergy embarked on restoration efforts following Hurricane Ida but won't guess as to how long power could be out for several thousand customers in Louisiana.
The environmental organization Riverkeeper says there are proposals preferable to running transmission lines under the Hudson River.
PJM stakeholders endorsed manual revisions implementing fast-start pricing even after some members questioned one of the changes.
The California Air Resources Board has begun design of a program that will distribute up to $10 million in incentives for the purchase of electric bikes.
Feedback split along predictable lines on Washington’s efforts to adopt California’s strict standards on zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Bidgee, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
NewGrid's CEO says the company's software could move 40% more power on the ISO-NE grid.
Texas regulators discussed with ERCOT market participants potential changes to an energy market that has been virtually untouched for almost 20 years.
The California Energy Commission is looking more closely at decarbonizing building materials, especially cement, the making of which produces carbon dioxide.
Sen. Bernie Sanders assured Vermont energy committees that the budget reconciliation bill would provide the funding they need for climate initiatives.
ERCOT staff says they plan to continue in 2022 their conservative operations approach of setting aside additional reserves by procuring ancillary services.
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