October 4, 2024
Company Briefs
Baxter to Lead Ameren As Voss Set to Retire
News briefs on companies in PJM Interconnection: Ameren, Calpine, Duke and First Energy.

Warner Baxter
Warner Baxter

Ameren Chairman and CEO Thomas Voss will wind down his career by July 1, and is being succeeded by Warner Baxter, president and CEO of Ameren Missouri. Baxter has succeeded Voss as president of Ameren and on April 24 he will become CEO as Voss becomes executive chairman. When Voss retires from the board July 1, Baxter will succeed him as chairman.

More: Ameren

Calpine Still Plans to Sell Southeast Power Plants

CalpinelogoCalpine still plans to sell some of its 10 Southeast plants, though its sale plans have gone more slowly than expected. Pending Environmental Protection Agency regulations should spur interest in the 5,236 MW portfolio, CEO Jack Fusco told analysts in an earnings call. The company may sell other plants, too. Now, Calpine is focusing on PJM. “I like where they’re headed, with transparency and competition in trying to level the playing field there, and I think you should expect that to be a real focus of ours,” Fusco said.

More: Utility Dive

Duke Explores New Model As ‘Trusted Energy Adviser’

Duke-Energy-LogoDuke Energy aims to create a “trusted energy adviser” business model as new challenges face the industry. The company is exploring new business areas, Denis Garman, leader of Duke’s energy management and information solutions group in Charlotte, N.C., said. “We’re really trying to rethink our value proposition. … There are no apathetic customers – we just haven’t figured out how to deliver value to them in a way that resonates,” he said.

More: Utility Dive

FirstEnergy Closes on Sale Of Hydro Plants to LS Unit

FirstEnergy-logo1FirstEnergy completed the sale of 11 hydropower stations to Harbor Hydro Holdings, a subsidiary of LS Power Equity Partners, for about $395 million. The plants, totaling 527 MW, are in Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia.

More: FirstEnergy

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