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PJM announced it will seek to establish a $325/MW-day price cap on capacity prices and a $175/MW-day floor for the 2026/27 and 2027/28 Base Residual Auctions following discussions with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to resolve a complaint he filed over increased capacity costs.
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee and Members Committee endorsed a proposal to rework the RTO’s rules around generation deactivations.
PJM is in discussions with Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to work toward a resolution on his complaint to FERC asking it to lower the price cap of the RTO’s capacity market.
PJM set a record winter peak load Jan. 22, surpassing its previous seasonal peak set in February 2015. PJM officials said actions the RTO and its members took ahead of the cold snap got the system through strained conditions.
The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled FERC improperly allowed Duke Energy Ohio and FirstEnergy to include the RTO adder in their rates despite participation in an RTO being mandated by Ohio law.
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