September 29, 2024
OMS IDs Capacity, DR, Cost Allocation as Key 2016 Issues
The Organization of MISO States board approved its 2016 Strategic Initiative, calling for the RTO to focus on issues including resource adequacy.

By Amanda Durish Cook

The Organization of MISO States board approved its 2016 Strategic Initiative on Thursday, calling for the RTO to focus on issues including resource adequacy, capacity, demand response and cost allocations under the settlement of the SPP transmission dispute.

Talberg (Source: Michigan PSC)

“There were several different focus areas,” said OMS President Sally Talberg, of the Michigan Public Service Commission.

At the request of Minnesota Public Utilities Commissioner Nancy Lange, the strategy document was amended to include mention of MISO’s stakeholder redesign.

The board also discussed MISO’s queue reform. (See MISO Unveils Queue Reform Transition as Wind Advocates Seek Delay.) Lange said MISO contacted Minnesota officials to solicit feedback on the changes. Minnesota has “bumped up against queue restraints in the past,” Lange said, adding that the reform will be a welcome change.

Comments on MISO’s queue reform filing are due to FERC on Jan. 28. OMS Executive Director Tanya Paslawski said the group is determining if and what’s appropriate to file.

Members also discussed FERC’s Dec. 31 ruling ordering MISO to change the way it conducts capacity auctions. (See FERC Orders MISO to Change Auction Rules.) Several regulators said they’d like to see changes to the auction rules.

“We don’t have the jurisdictional authority to say, ‘MISO you must do this.’ That’s up to FERC, but at the end of the day, MISO knows that as a state, we’re very discontented right now,” Illinois Commerce Commissioner Sherina Maye Edwards said. “We can address these Zone 4 issues without negatively impacting other states.”

Talberg said Michigan is also following the capacity auction issue closely. “We’re a kind of a fish-out-of-water state in that we are a hybrid state,” she said. Michigan caps retail choice at 10% of each utility’s retail sales.

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