September 29, 2024
PJM Opens First Reliability Proposal Window of 2016
PJM’s first 2016 proposal window for reliability projects opened Feb. 16 and will close March 17.

PJM’s first 2016 proposal window for reliability projects opened Feb. 16 and will close March 17.

A PJM study found Dominion’s Carson–Rogers Rd. 500-kV line will be overloaded if the Carson–Rawlings 500-kV circuit is lost.

The RTO is looking to address problems on Dominion Resources’ Carson-Rogers Rd 500-kV and Chesterfield-Messer Rd-Charles City Rd 230-kV lines and the replacement of facilities meeting the transmission owner’s local criteria for end-of-life facilities.

The violations, which were identified in the 2020 generator deliverability and common mode outage analyses, were presented at the February meeting of the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee.

The documentation necessary to participate is password-protected. Instructions on how to register for the proposal window are posted on PJM’s website. Also posted are the problem statement and requirements.

This is the first window for which a new proposal fee will apply for upgrades and greenfield projects. There is no fee for proposed projects below $20 million. A $5,000 fee will be assessed for projects up to $100 million. Proposals with a projected cost of more than $100 million must be accompanied by a $30,000 fee.

— Suzanne Herel

PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)ReliabilityTransmission Planning

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