Regional Entities
Speakers at a Texas RE webinar said new nuclear reactor designs offer significant benefits in safety and reliability.
Brandon Russell was convicted of masterminding a 2023 plan to damage electric substations in a plot to "completely destroy" Baltimore.
A representative of Texas RE emphasized that NERC plans to build on last year's Interregional Transfer Capability Study.
NERC's monthly spreadsheet notice of penalty listed 22 infringements of facility ratings standards across multiple regions.
In a webinar, SERC Reliability staff identified the biggest concerns from the regional entity's biennial risk report.
A report from ERCOT projects that the highest risk of energy shortfalls in March's peak day will occur around 7 p.m. Central time.
In its Winter Reliability Assessment, SERC Reliability said several of its subregions have high or elevated risk of energy shortfalls during extreme conditions.
A new study from the Northeast Power Coordinating Council outlines some of the major risks that reliance on natural gas generation poses for the New England power system.
ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas says the grid operator’s development of a new reliability standard for the market as “one of [our] more significant” accomplishments.
A WECC report predicts annual demand in the Western Interconnection will grow from 942 TWh in 2025 to 1,134 TWh in 2034, although it says the region should have the resources necessary to meet that load.
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