The Northwest Power Pool will have to restructure its governance to obtain FERC approval for its proposed resource adequacy program, representatives said.
The CPUC approved the state's largest rollout of covered conductor, with Southern California Edison planning to install 4,500 miles, costing nearly $2 billion.
NERC and the REs won't have large face-to-face meetings anytime soon because of the surge in COVID-19 cases fueled by the more infectious delta variant.
SPP continues to spread its footprint with an announcement Tuesday that it will operate Northwest Power Pool’s resource adequacy (RA) program in the Western Interconnection. The RTO will work with NWPP and its RA participants to help develop, implement and operate the program. As a program operator, SPP will perform forward-showing and operations program functions, …
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The near shutdown of the California-Oregon Intertie by a wildfire renewed concerns about the vulnerability of major transmission pathways.
U.S. companies may have to learn to live with ransomware attacks — even if that means paying ransom, speakers told California lawmakers.
In a rare move, CAISO will use its capacity procurement mechanism to obtain more resources after other measures fell short, threatening summer blackouts.
Thousands of customers of Avista Utilities lost power during a record-smashing heat wave when the utility ordered rolling blackouts in Spokane, Wash.
Presenters at a webinar shared details about the proposed organizational structure for the Northwest Power Pool's proposed resource adequacy program.
FERC Chairman Richard Glick says "the time is right for the states, the region’s utilities and other key stakeholders" to form one or more Western RTOs.
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