NWPP RA Program Taking Shape for Q3 Launch
The Northwest Power Pool is moving to wrap up the design phase of its regional resource adequacy program, stakeholders heard.
FERC Approves $536K in Penalties from WECC, Texas RE
FERC approved a penalty assessed by WECC against Southern California Edison and a penalty by Texas RE against Oncor for violations of NERC standards.
FERC Provisionally OKs ERO Delegation Agreements
FERC ordered revisions to NERC’s pro forma regional delegation agreement and its RDAs with all regional entities while approving the agreements overall.
Western RA Planning Must Change, WECC Says
A new WECC report recommends that utilities increase their coordination and adopt dynamic planning reserve margins to ensure resource adequacy.
WECC Taking Wait-and-See on COVID Measures
With COVID-19 threatening to overwhelm hospitals, WECC is in no hurry to bring employees back to its headquarters, CEO Melanie Frye said.
WECC Says Extreme Events Require Forecast, RA Changes
Western BAs should determine what caused errors in load and generation forecasts during August’s massive heat wave and fix their forecasting processes.
WIRAB Reviews Past Year, Looks Ahead to Next
The Western Interconnection Regional Advisory Board recounted its accomplishments in 2020 and laid out what it hopes to achieve in 2021.
WECC Overhauls, Expands Stakeholder Committee Plan
WECC released a heavily revised version of its proposal to reorganize its stakeholder committee structure in response to member concerns.
DOE Congestion Study Prompts Industry Criticism
Industry commenters accused DOE of overlooking crucial energy trends & relying on unexamined assumptions in its transmission congestion study.
CGNP Fleshes out Diablo Canyon FERC Complaint
Californians for Green Nuclear Power has updated its request that FERC overturn the planned closing of Diablo Canyon in response to criticism from NERC.

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