NERC Certifies SPP as RC Provider in West
NERC has certified SPP’s reliability coordination offering in the Western Interconnection, allowing the RTO to offer those services effective Dec. 3.
RC West Oversight Committee Briefs: Nov. 19, 2019
Having become RC of record for much of the West, CAISO’s RC West is taking on new responsibilities as time error and GMD monitor for WECC.
California Officials Hammer PG&E over Power Shutoffs
California officials hammered PG&E executives during a legislative hearing over the utility’s mishandling of multiple public safety power shutoffs.
Online Voting Tops WECC MAC Charter Proposals
Members of the WECC Member Advisory Committee heard a number of proposed changes to their charter, most prominently a plan to authorize electronic voting.
CAISO Black Start Project Must Divulge Cost Info
FERC accepted an agreement between CAISO and a Calpine plant to provide black start service, but agreed that more cost information was needed.
SCE Suspected in Fire, PG&E Says Shutoffs Worked
SoCal Edison came under increasing scrutiny for its possible role in starting the Saddleridge Fire, while PG&E defended its public safety power shutoffs.
PG&E Restores Power amid Backlash
PG&E restored power to 738,000 customers after its public safety power shutoffs prompted a backlash from the public, state regulators and elected officials.
Calif. Regulators Bash PG&E’s Power Shutoffs
As roughly 600,000 Pacific Gas and Electric customers remained without power, the president of the California PUC called the situation “unacceptable.”
SPP Western Reliability Briefs: Week of Sept. 16, 2019
SPP’s efforts to extend RC services to about 12% of the Western Interconnection’s load remains on a glide path, staff said at Black Hills Energy’s offices.
No ‘Hiccups’ for West’s RC Transition
All systems are go as WECC enters the final stretch to ensure its dozens of balancing authorities safely integrate into new Reliability Coordinators.

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