September 28, 2024

Resource Adequacy

Resource adequacy is the ability of electric grid operators to supply enough electricity at the right locations, using current capacity and reserves, to meet demand. It is expressed as the probability of an outage due to insufficient capacity.
United States Energy Association
USEA Panelists Highlight Renewable Integration Challenges
As the transition to clean energy contributes to the risk of energy shortfalls, electric industry stakeholders say keeping the grid operating reliably will require new ways of thinking.
Panelists Warn of Winter Weather’s National Security Risks
Speakers on an ACORE webinar warned that the national security risks of electricity outages at military bases is unappreciated.
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RTO Officials Warn of ‘Messy Transition’ at NARUC Annual Meeting
MISO CEO John Bear and PJM CEO Manu Asthana expressed concerns about gas-fired resources retiring prematurely at NARUC's Annual Meeting in California.
FERC Optimistic About Energy Markets This Winter
Higher-than-average temperatures in the U.S. could reduce electricity and natural gas demand and help prevent shortfalls this winter, FERC staff said in the commission's Winter Energy Market and Electric Reliability Assessment.
FERC Dives into Reliability Implications of EPA’s Power Plant Rule
FERC hosted a senior EPA staffer and heard from the industry and states on how the environmental regulator's latest proposal to cut carbon emissions from  power plants will impact grid reliability as it is implemented.
NERC: Grid Risks Widespread in Winter Months
NERC's Winter Reliability Assessment found large portions of the electric grid at risk of energy shortfalls this winter.
Parties Preview FERC Review of EPA Power Plant Rule
FERC is hosting a review of EPA's proposed power plant rule, and the different sides of the debate got their views in early.
Constellation Energy
FERC, NERC Leaders Voice Concern About Loss of Everett Marine Terminal
FERC Chair Willie Phillips and NERC CEO James Robb wrote in joint comments that they have "serious concerns" about Everett's retirement.
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ERCOT Searching for 3 GW of Winter Capacity
ERCOT surprised market participants with an announcement that it plans to increase operating reserves by requesting an additional 3,000 MW of capacity to shore up the grid for the upcoming winter.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
ISO/RTO Execs Talk Reliability and Resource Mix at House Hearing

Senior executives from all seven ISO/RTOs discussed how the changing resource mix is impacting reliability.

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