State Regulation

Each state and province maintains a public utilities commission or other body to regulate utilities within its jurisdiction. Commissions typically oversee utilities' rates and services, and mediate disputes between utilities and ratepayers.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
House Energy and Commerce Examines Moore County Attack
Members of Congress went to North Carolina to hold a field hearing on the substation attacks in early December that knocked out power to 45,000 customers.
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NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: June 9, 2023
New York’s installed reserves margin study may be too optimistic in its emergency assistance assumptions, according to a presentation given to the NYSRC.
Panel Explores Consumer Connections to Western RA
Last September, California residents helped the state avert rolling blackouts by acting on an emergency text. What does that mean for RA planning?
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Western Grid Challenges Weighed at WCPSC Meeting
Western regulators heard from a power panel of CEOs on maintaining grid reliability in the face of fires, storms, extreme heat and supply chain disruptions.
Michigan House Democrats
Michigan Utility Task Force To Start Hearings June 9 on Outages
A Michigan House task force to investigate winter power outages will hold its first hearing June 9, with further sessions expected through the summer.
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NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: May 12, 2023
The N.Y. State Reliability Council Executive Committee indicated its Installed Capacity Subcommittee may increase the amount of 10-minute reserve assumptions.
Claus Ableiter, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
New York Considering Standards for IBRs
The New York State Reliability Council has approved a uniform set of requirements for inverter-based resources over 20 MW to connect to the NYISO grid.
DTE Energy
Mich. PSC OKs Higher Outage Credits, Stricter Requirements for Restoring Power
Michigan utility customers who suffer lengthy power outages will automatically receive credits of $35 daily under new rules approved by the PSC.
Michigan Public Service Commission
PSC Chair Says Michigan Grid ‘Nowhere it Needs to Be’
Michigan PSC chief Dan Scripps told legislators the state’s electric grid is “nowhere it needs to be,” citing outages that affected 1 million residents.
DTE Energy
Mich. Lawmakers Grill Utilities over Winter Storm Outages
Michigan lawmakers grilled DTE and CMS Energy officials over their efforts to restore power following storms that slammed the state in February and March.

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