FERC & Federal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities.
FERC approved new rules intended to streamline NERC's reliability standard development process.
The rapid spread of AI software prompted CISA and other global cybersecurity agencies to create new guidelines for safe development of machine learning tools.
Higher-than-average temperatures in the U.S. could reduce electricity and natural gas demand and help prevent shortfalls this winter, FERC staff said in the commission's Winter Energy Market and Electric Reliability Assessment.
In their final report on Winter Storm Elliott, FERC and NERC said congressional action on natural gas reliability is needed.
FERC issued a final rule Thursday directing NERC to develop standards to improve the reliability of inverter-based resources.
Market monitors from all six FERC-jurisdictional ISO/RTOs endorsed calls for a NERC-like gas reliability organization.
The Energy Bar Association's Mid-Year Forum illustrated greater collaboration between than the electric and natural gas industries than normal.
CISA spotlighted supply chain risk management with the release of a guide intended to help buyers of electronics equipment identify and mitigate risks in their supply chains.
FERC and NERC called for completing winterization standards and strengthening natural gas infrastructure in response to widespread outages last Christmas.
An SPP Resource Adequacy Summit provided an opportunity for federal and state regulators, academics, market participants and stakeholders to discuss the reliability issues facing the grid.
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