March 10, 2025

ERO Insider

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New WPP Board Features Figures from PJM, WEIM, Industry
The WPP's future independent board will include the previous PJM CEO, a former member of WEIM's Governing Body and WPP’s present board chair, among others.
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NAGF Attendees Discuss Facility Ratings Challenges
Facility ratings, and the challenge of keeping them up to date, were a recurring theme at the the North American Generator Forum’s Annual Compliance Conference.
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NERC’s Cold Weather Work to Continue in 2023
With the passage of NERC's new cold weather standards, the work of protecting North America’s grid from winter weather has only begun.
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NERC’s Gugel Says Action Ahead for Renewable Integration
NERC’s Howard Gugel told NAGF’s Annual Compliance Conference that the ERO is taking the challenge posed by the grid’s evolution seriously.
DOE Seeks Public Input on Biden Manufacturing Order
DOE is seeking input from the public on how to use the Defense Production Act authority that President Biden granted it to improve power grid reliability.
SERC Stresses Advantages of Design Basis Threat Process
SERC Reliability’s senior security adviser recounted his entry into the grid security field and offered his views on how to identify the greatest threats.
FERC Approves $105K Penalty for Texas Wind Facility Misratings
Texas RE knocked a registered entity for violating NERC’s facility ratings standards, assessing a $105,000 penalty in a settlement with Buffalo Gap Wind Farm.
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ERCOT, Texas PUC, Gas Industry Agree Valuable Lessons Learned
ERCOT staff and regulators agreed that the electricity and gas industries are adding weatherization standards to address the 2021 severe winter storm.
Report Blames Antivirus Software for EMS Deadlock
Software designed to provide computer security had the ironic consequence of rendering an electric utility’s essential systems unusable, a NERC report said.
NERC Physical Security Reports: Drones, Target Practice and Petty Thefts
Wayward drones, copper thefts and gun shots at transmission lines — they're all part of the territory for NERC's Bulk Power Situational Awareness unit.

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