ERO Insider
NYISO published the final, approved version of the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment, which identifies a reliability need in New York City beginning in 2033.
NERC and the regional entities expressed support for FERC's cybersecurity proposals but reminded the commission of their already busy development cycle.
Webinar participants said NERC's study on interregional transfer capability is a solid foundation for future planning but leaves much work still to be done.
Energy leaders from the U.S. and Canada grappled with the challenges of balancing decarbonization and affordability at the New England-Canada Business Council’s Executive Energy Conference.
FERC said the North American Energy Standards Board's new standards will improve security and efficiency of public utilities.
A colder winter is likely to bring higher electricity demand and drive up natural gas prices, FERC staff said in the commission's annual winter energy market assessment.
NERC filed the completed Interregional Transfer Capability Study to FERC ahead of the December deadline set by Congress in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.
An Exelon manager discussed the utility's physical security approach in light of the growing threat to the grid from both foreign and domestic actors.
Texas regulators approved the state’s first utility resiliency plan, a $3 billion proposal from Oncor to bulk up its distribution system over the next four years to better withstand and more quickly recover extreme weather and other events.
NERC staff said they see both signs of progress and looming challenges in the ERO's winter reliability assessment.
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