March 10, 2025

ERO Insider

FERC Proposes New Cybersecurity Standard
In light of recent cyberattacks, FERC is calling for new standards that would require entities to monitor their internal computer networks for intrusions.
West Cannot Rely on Imports, WECC Says
The West's reliance on imports could prove problematic during summer heat waves or when hydroelectric generation dries up because of drought, WECC said.
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Glick Touts Gas Pipeline Reliability Organization Before Congress
FERC Chair Richard Glick lobbied for an ERO-like entity to set mandatory standards for gas pipelines before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
ERO Align Tool Final Release Now Planned for Q4
The ERO Enterprise is now planning to complete deployment of the Align software tool by the fourth quarter of 2022, SERC staff said Tuesday.
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Tx Fault Could Trip Thousands of MWs of DERs, ISO-NE Study Says
An ISO-NE study warned that DERs with older inverters that don't allow them to ride through faults could trip during high solar output and low demand.
Western RA Program Readies Governance
The Northwest Power Pool’s Western Resource Adequacy Program is forming stakeholder committees to nominate directors and shape program design.
Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities
Researchers: New Policies, Data Needed to Respond to Climate Threats
Government officials and utility planners lack the tools and policies needed to address climate change's increasing threat, researchers told the EBA.
Omicron Forces NERC to Retreat from Hybrid Board Format
NERC Board Chair Ken DeFontes announced that the organization has once again delayed its return to in-person meetings because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Idaho Commissioner to Join WECC Executive Ranks
Idaho Public Utilities Commissioner and WIRAB Chair Kristine Raper will join WECC as vice president of external affairs beginning Jan. 24.
Santee Cooper
FERC Approves $40K Penalty for Santee Cooper
FERC approved a $40,000 penalty against South Carolina utility Santee Cooper for violations of NERC reliability standards spanning more than 14 years.

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