ERO Insider
FERC last week approved penalties against utilities in the footprints of ReliabilityFirst, MRO, and WECC for violations of NERC reliability standards.
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
NRC is preparing to cite Energy Harbor, the owner of the Davis-Bessie nuclear power plant in Ohio, for failing to maintain its emergency diesel generators.
WECC's annual resource adequacy assessment warned that customers throughout the Western Interconnection will be at risk of load loss by 2025.
Severe weather and rapidly diversifying generation will challenge electric reliability in the next decade, NERC said in its Long-Term Reliability Assessment.
SERC's year-end board meeting concentrated on the importance of members adopting NERC’s new cold weather standards before they become enforceable in early 2023.
FERC ordered transmission providers to end the use of static line ratings in evaluating near-term service, saying it will increase utilization of the grid.
NERC’s Standards Committee approved a revised charter and standard authorization requests for its MOD and PRC rules in its year-end meeting.
NERC's Reliability and Security Technical Committee voted to endorse proposals aimed at reviving two previously cancelled standards projects.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The North American Energy Standards Board has launched a project to develop new standards governing coordination between the gas and electric industries.
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