FERC said the activist's request for a grid-wide audit of Chinese-manufactured equipment is unnecessary in light of existing standards.
NERC’s proposed reliability standard addressing IBR ride-through protection is undergoing a re-ballot in hopes of gaining enough industry support for passage as the ERO’s Board of Trustees prepares to meet.
FERC last week approved settlements by NPCC and ReliabilityFirst leveraging $490,000 in penalties for violations of NERC reliability standards.
FERC issued two NOPRs indicating it will direct NERC to develop new cybersecurity standards.
NERC's inverter-based resources ride-through standard will go out for industry comments and ballots, Standards Committee Chair Todd Bennett told members.
NERC's Reliability and Security Committee approved changes to its charter and endorsed a standard authorization request aimed at inverter-based resources at this week's meeting.
Before the use of HVDC transmission lines can be expanded in the U.S., the offshore wind industry needs to set some standards, according to a joint company survey.
NERC held a technical conference hoping to address the issues that have blocked the passage of a standard on ride-through requirements for inverter-based resources.
NYSEG acknowledged its primary and backup control centers shared too many communication links in a settlement approved by FERC.
In a new report on compliance with NERC's CIP standards, FERC identified several areas for improvement from recent audits of registered entities.
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