NERC Trustees Robin Manning and George Hawkins were re-elected to the ERO's board, and Sue Kelly and Larry Irving joined to replace Jan Schori.
The rejection of the standard authorization request for Project 2020-01 has left the SPIDER Working Group in a quandary regarding its next steps.
FERC approved a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and Michigan Electric Transmission Company for violations of NERC reliability standards.
SERC ranked cybersecurity as the top reliability risk in the Southeast, followed by extreme weather events and the integration of variable energy resources.
NERC is accepting comment on proposed changes to several CIP reliability standards intended to “incorporate virtualization and future technologies."
President Joe Biden has suspended a Trump administration rule that restricts the purchase of bulk power system equipment from foreign adversaries.
The teams for two projects working to revise the same two NERC standards are considering how to merge their work after positive stakeholder feedback.
NERC opened a third formal comment period on the standard authorization request for Project 2019-04 following revisions by the drafting team.
Industry participants support efforts to limit acquisition of foreign-manufactured hardware but warn that removal from existing systems will be challenging.
FERC approved a penalty assessed by WECC against Southern California Edison and a penalty by Texas RE against Oncor for violations of NERC standards.
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