Impact & Adaptation

Conn. Utilities Found Deficient in Tropical Storm Isaias Response
Connecticut regulators ruled that Eversource and UI did not meet acceptable standards in their response to Tropical Storm Isaias.
Connecticut DEEP Anticipates ‘Tidal Wave’ of Federal Funding
Passage of the pending climate change adaptation bill will help Connecticut tap into future federal infrastructure funding.
MISO Report Focuses on Electrification’s Impacts
Within 20 years, increasing electrification could have MISO members building hundreds of gigawatts of new generation, a new report says.
Economists United on Need for Immediate Action on Climate
Three-quarters of economists who study climate issues say “immediate and drastic action” is needed to address climate change, according to a new survey.
Wash. Land Use Measure Nears Passage
A bill to require consideration of climate change in land use planning appears headed toward approval in the Washington state legislature.
NC Looks at Holistic Approach to Planning
The North Carolina Utilities Commission examined how generation and distribution planning in the state are going to become more holistic and integrated.
Virginia Takes $43.6M in its 1st RGGI Auction
Virginia sold $43.6 million in carbon dioxide allowances in its first RGGI auction since joining the cap-and-invest program in January.
Hawaii Report Poses ‘Living’ Shoreline to Counter Sea Level Rise
A new report by the University of Hawaii Community Design Center explores the idea of creating “living” shorelines to fight sea level rise.

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