Agriculture & Land Use

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Nevada Legislature Wraps up with Host of Energy, Climate Bills
A bill that would allow the sale of gasoline containing up to 15% ethanol in Nevada is one of the energy-related bills awaiting the governor's signature.
City of Honolulu
Honolulu Adopts Near-term Climate Action Plan
The Honolulu City Council adopted a new climate action plan that details strategies for curbing the city's GHGs while boosting renewable energy infrastructure.
Hawaii Sustainable Planning Reorg Bills Await Ige’s Signature
Gov. David Ige is expected to sign a pair of bills that will reorganize Hawaii’s approach to land use planning and environmental policy.
New York Should Join TCI-P, Transportation Panel Says
New York Climate Action Council Transportation Panel said market-based strategies can support a mandate for 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035.
Sponsor Plans to Revive Stalled Wash. Land Use Bill
Rep. Davina Duerr plans to revive her stalled bill to make climate change a consideration in land use planning by local governments.
Connecticut Bill Addresses Solar Siting in Farmlands, Forests
A Connecticut bill seeks an increased review of siting proposals for solar facilities on certain farmlands and forests.
House Bill Tackles Both Ends of the Bovine
A House bill sponsored by a Washington congresswoman seeks to measure cow methane emissions and pinpoint ways to reduce them.
Divided Legislature Clouds Minn. ‘Healthy Farming’ Bill
Minnesota Rep. Todd Lippert knows the state’s divided political environment could halt significant climate legislation, but he’s pushing forward anyway.

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