February 25, 2025

Space Heating

New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
NYSERDA: Building-by-building Heat Pump Transition isn’t Going to Cut it
NYSERDA says New York needs to move away from a building-by-building heat pump installation approach to a community approach, where practical.
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Vermont Climate Council Puts Clean Heat Standard on the Table
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations on how to reduce emissions for the electricity, thermal and transportation sectors.
Maryland Consumers May Pay High Heating Costs to Cut Building Emissions
Maryland is looking at challenges of different pathways to building decarbonization, while Montgomery County explores solutions in energy performance standards.
Beyond My Ken, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Massachusetts Sets 1st Emission-reduction Goal for Efficiency Program
The current draft energy efficiency plan for Massachusetts does not envision meeting a new program-specific emission-reduction goal set by the state.
Energy+Environmental Economics
Maryland Looks at Pathways to Net Zero Buildings by 2045
Maryland has several “feasible pathways” to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from its buildings by 2045, according to a study presented to stakeholders.
Minnesota Commerce Department
Minnesota Utilities Struggling to Meet Low-income EE Goals as Legislators Boost Targets
Minnesota’s utilities will be required to meet increasing energy efficiency targets under a new law, but they are not meeting all of the old, lower goals.
Mass. Efficiency Plan Budget Misses Mark on Electrification
The draft energy efficiency plan for Mass. cuts C&I sector funding by $200 million, but the energy efficiency council wants the funds to go to electrification.
King of Hearts, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
DER Performance Uncertain Under NYC Building Emissions Law
New York City set carbon coefficients for energy resources to help calculate building emissions, but officials haven't set a coefficient for DERs.
Town of Wellesley
Communities in Massachusetts Fight for Right to Be Green
A bill in Massachusetts seeks to make it easier for any town to participate in the state’s Green Communities program.
Massachusetts Cities Begin Acting on New State Climate Laws
The city of Medfield, Mass., will spend the rest of this year working on its Net Zero Climate Goal to put state climate law into action at the local level.

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