March 10, 2025

Equity & Economics

NJ Plans for More Electric Truck Chargers
Electric utilities would be responsible for wiring and providing backbone infrastructure to install chargers but would be operators "of last resort."
NY Enviros Push Officials on Climate Policy for Power Industry
Environmental justice advocates on Thursday told New York officials to pick up the pace on climate policy for the power sector.
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NARUC Panel: EE Needs New Metrics to Help Reach Net-zero Goals
State regulators must change their thinking about the value of energy efficiency to meet net-zero goals, speakers told the NARUC Summer Policy Summit.
Sunrise Maine
Solving for Equity in the Rates and Climate Policy Equation
Given Maine's ambitious climate policies, one state regulator sees a need to reconsider how the costs of those policies are allocated to ratepayers.
City of New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell
$536M in Pandemic Aid Tagged for Climate, Energy Across New England
Vermont and Maine will put $136 million in federal aid into climate and energy initiatives; Massachusetts is looking to spend $400 million on those sectors.
Fannie Mae Dominates US Environmental Bonds Market
Fannie Mae issued $94 billion in green bonds in 2011-2021, accounting for about one-third of the $275 billion in GSS debt U.S. entities issued for that period.
NRG Energy
New Yorkers Oppose NRG Repowering Astoria NatGas Peaker
New Yorkers filed 66 separate comments opposing NRG Energy’s proposal to repower its 502-MW Astoria natural gas generating facility in Queens.
Central Main Power
Overheard at 3rd Annual EBC New England Energy Leadership Conference
Regional energy policy leaders presented their plans and priorities at the Environmental Business Council of New England Energy Leadership Conference.
Marin Clean Energy
California Utilities Seek Sweet Spots for Decarbonizing Residences
California utilities are finding ways to overcome the financial barriers to electrifying residences as the state pursues its net zero goals.
PA Backs Final Rule for RGGI Entrance
The Pennsylvania EQB approved final rules to join 10 other New England and Mid-Atlantic states in RGGI despite GOP efforts to put the issue on hold.

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