Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent regulatory agency that oversees the transmission of electricity, natural gas and oil in interstate commerce, as well as regulating hydroelectric dams and natural gas facilities. 
FERC Approves PJM Involvement in 2nd NJ Offshore Tx Solicitation
FERC approved the participation of PJM in New Jersey’s second solicitation for transmission to interconnect offshore wind, as the state Board of Public Utilities evaluates proposals submitted by the solicitation’s April 3 deadline.
Sun Valley Solar Solutions
FERC Rejects PURPA Petition in Arizona Solar Case
FERC declined to act on a petition that accused the Salt River Project of violating PURPA with rates that discriminate against customers with rooftop solar.
World Resources Institute
WRI Webinar Examines How to Expand Grid-enhancing Technologies
With a major grid expansion on planning boards around the country, grid-enhancing technologies will be key to getting the most out of current and future systems, experts said.
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Utilities Facing Increased Scrutiny over Political Activities

Bribery scandals and concerns over reliability and the pace of decarbonization have caused increasing scrutiny of utilities’ political activities.

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NARUC Looks at How to Manage New Large Loads
The power industry is facing an increasingly delicate balancing act as policies drive some generators to retirement, while major new loads are popping up and making planning more difficult.
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Whitehouse: Best Defense for IRA is Funding, Building More Projects

One of the Senate’s strong liberal voices on climate change, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse slammed the fossil fuel industry for its campaign of “climate denial and propaganda.”

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Manchin, Phillips Discuss Expanding the Grid at NARUC
Both FERC Chairman Willie Phillips and Sen. Joe Manchin want to pass policies this year that speed up the roll out of transmission, they said at the NARUC conference.
AEU Grades ISO/RTO Queues as Order 2023 is Implemented
Advanced Energy United has released a scorecard that ranks the seven domestic ISO/RTOs on their generator interconnection processes, finding room for improvement in every one.
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DC Circuit Hears Arguments on FERC LNG Plant Approval
The D.C. Circuit heard oral arguments on FERC’s approval of the Commonwealth LNG facility in Cameron, La.
Sun Valley Solar Systems
Petition Seeks PURPA Protections for Rooftop Solar
Solar advocates petitioned FERC to take enforcement action against SRP for setting rates that allegedly discriminate against customers with rooftop solar.

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