
Advanced Energy United
New Mission Means New Name for Advanced Energy Economy
Advanced Energy Economy started 2023 with a new name, reflecting both the progress the group has made since its founding and the challenges ahead.
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Granholm and Manchin: The Yin and Yang of 2022 US Energy Policy
The two people who had the broadest, deepest impacts on federal energy policy in 2022 were undoubtedly Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Sen. Joe Manchin.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
DOE to Announce Major Advance in Fusion Technology
Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have created a nuclear fusion reaction that for the first time produced a net energy gain.
Senate ENR Committee
Former NRG CEO Faces Tough Questions at Senate ENR Hearing
Three nominees for top posts at the DOE faced pointed questions from Senators known for protecting fossil fuel sector interests.
Oak Ridge Natinal Laboratory
Hydrogen-burning Locomotive Focus of New Federal Research
Scientists and engineers from two national labs began a four-year project with locomotive maker Wabtec aimed at using hydrogen in diesel-electric train engines.
Plug Power
Plug Power: Would-be ‘Category King’ of $10T Global Hydrogen Market
The emerging producer of fuel cells, electrolyzers and green hydrogen may have a Wall Street credibility problem.
Carbon Capture Projects Rise with Subsidy Boost
The global pipeline for carbon capture projects has jumped by nearly half since 2021, but hitting climate targets will require far greater growth, backers say.
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USEA Panel Explores How to Cut CO2 as Electricity Demand Increases
The impact of growing power demand is a key problem in the drive to decarbonize U.S. electricity, said Robert Rowe, president of NorthWestern Energy.
Jigar Shah: LPO Offers Cleantech Startups ‘Bridge to Bankability’
Jigar Shah has taken the Energy’s Loan Programs Office from a largely dormant part of DOE to an office processing applications for loans totaling $86.5 billion.
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Decarbonizing Heavy Industry: Audacious, Ambitious, Achievable
Decarbonizing heavy industry was a key theme at the Global Clean Energy Action Forum, where global leaders discussed slashing those hardest-to-slash emissions.

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