September 28, 2024

Transmission & Distribution

NRDC: PJM Interconnection Queue Roadblock to State Renewable Goals
The Natural Resources Defense Council finds that PJM’s backlogged interconnection is challenging states' renewable portfolio goals; PJM is committed to continuing to improve.
NV Energy Rejected on Plan to Replace Coal Plant with Storage
NV Energy will keep looking for resources to replace its North Valmy Generating Station after Nevada regulators shot down its plan for a $466 million battery system.
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Overheard at the Energy Bar Association’s Annual Meeting
Much of the focus at the EBA’s conference was on matching electric demand with carbon-free power and building interregional transmission to improve resiliency.
Senate ENR Committee
Senate ENR Searches for Bipartisan Compromise on ‘Permitting Reform’
Sen. Joe Manchin called on colleagues to put politics aside and hammer out a bipartisan bill to accelerate permitting of energy and transmission projects.
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In Climate Leader NY, Energy Workforce Rising from Ground Up
One at a time, New York apprenticeships and vocational schools are training the thousands of workers needed to meet the state's ambitious clean energy goals.
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Podesta Lays Out Biden’s Priorities for ‘Permitting Reform’
Biden may not agree with all provisions in Sen. Manchin’s permitting bill, but he will support it to start negotiations in the Senate, a key adviser said.
Medway Grid LLC via Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB)
Mass. Energy Facilities Siting Board Punts on Energy Storage
The agency determined that it lacks jurisdiction over battery energy storage systems, referring such projects to the state's Department of Public Utilities.
DOE Awards $26M to Clean Energy Technology Projects
The Department of Energy says it will fund eight projects to demonstrate how solar, wind, storage and other clean energy resources can support the grid.
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DOE Rolls out New Process for Designating Key Transmission Corridors
DOE wants to accelerate transmission projects under development by designating their proposed routes as National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors.
New England – Maritimes Offshore Energy Corridor (NEMOEC)
Coalition Promotes US-Canadian Offshore Transmission Link
An industry coalition is promoting the concept of underwater transmission linking New England and Nova Scotia via wind farms off their respective coasts.

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