September 29, 2024

Transmission & Distribution

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NARUC Panelists: Rate Design Key for the Clean Energy Transition
Getting the right rates to customers is vital to ensuring that the industry's ongoing transition to clean energy is reliable and affordable, experts told NARUC.
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Clements: States Should not Wait on FERC for Transmission Planning
Stakeholders at NASEO's Winter Policy Summit debated whether energy offices should act as hubs for bringing stakeholders together and fostering collaboration.
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Community Choice Aggregation Benefits in Mass. Quantified
A new study finds that community choice energy aggregation programs have resulted in cost savings for. many Massachusetts residents.
Policymakers Working to Meet Spiking Demand of Data Centers in Virginia
Demand growth in Northern Virginia's power-hungry Data Center Alley is accelerating, and policymakers are trying to ensure new demand can be met reliably.
Can the US Deliver Competitive Batteries?
Our Next Energy, Lyten and Natron Energy explained their new battery technologies and growth plans at BloombergNEF’s the annual summit.
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NJ Bills Push Rooftop Solar, EV Chargers, Grid Upgrades
The New Jersey Senate Environment and Energy Committee advanced a spate of climate change-related legislation.
House Energy & Commerce Committee
House Energy Panel Talks Permitting in First Hearing
The partisan divide was clearly visible at the House Energy panel's first hearing, but witnesses suggested they might find common ground on permitting “reform.”
Nev. Lithium Project Close to Securing $700M DOE Loan
A Nevada mining project that could produce enough lithium for 370,000 EVs a year has received a conditional loan offer of $700 million from the DOE.
New York state Governor's Office
Firm Plans Long-duration Zinc Battery Factory in NY
Long-duration energy storage company Zinc8 Energy Solutions plans to build its first factory in Kingston, N.Y., the company and Gov. Kathy Hochul announced.
Port Authority NY NJ
JFK Airport Adding Solar/Fuel Cell Microgrid
New York’s JFK Airport is planning an 11.3-MW microgrid powered by solar and fuel cells to cut emissions and continue operations during power outages.

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