Transmission & Distribution
Congress may be on summer break, but clean energy advocates are busy with recommendations for the budget reconciliation bill.
Washington’s first pumped storage generator is expected to go online between 2028 and 2030, if it can obtain the needed state and federal approvals.
The Senate approved a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill in a rare display of bipartisanship that dissolved as Democrats began work on a larger spending package.
The Senate approved a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill in a rare display of bipartisanship that dissolved as Democrats began work on a larger spending package.
A new report from the U.N. came to a stark conclusion: Climate change is irreversible, and unprecedented international cooperation is needed to mitigate it.
New Jersey has awarded $750,000 in seed money to 10 companies working on clean-technology innovation and is planning a second round of awards.
As demand grows for lithium, which is a key component in electric vehicle batteries, interest in mining the resource in Nevada is surging.
The New England Clean Energy Council’s annual legislative roundup focused on the energy storage legislation passed by several state legislatures this year.
Reducing power plant carbon emissions may ultimately be in the hands of electric utility customers with the technology to automatically reduce their usage.
Michigan regulators want to revamp their interconnection process to create more certainty for generation developers and a fast-track for small projects.
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