December 27, 2024

Commentary & Special Reports

International Energy Agency
Renewable Industry Banking on Trade Bill, Tax Incentives in 2022
Supply chain challenges and trade and tax legislation were recurrent themes in discussions at the ACORE Policy Forum.
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Russia Top of Mind at CERAWeek 2022
Most speakers at CERAWeek addressed Russian’s invasion of Ukraine and the alarming upheaval in energy, commodity and financial markets it has created.
Power Plant Emission Rules Up in the Air as Technologies Change
The battle over federal rules controlling power plant emissions is heating up again as EPA prepares to issue revised regulations by the end of the year.
NARUC Transmission Panel: Leave No Megawatt Behind
State regulators face the conundrum of how to get more clean energy on already congested power lines; a NARUC Winter Policy Summit panel offered some answers.
Overheard at NARUC Winter Policy Summit 2022
Much of the talk at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit was about the $62.5 billion the DOE received under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Hydrogen Emerges as Crucial Component for Achieving Net Zero
Net-zero advocates are not just "tilting at windmills" but opening a debate that could lead to technological advances as consequential as the 1960s Moon Shot.
Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities
Researchers: New Policies, Data Needed to Respond to Climate Threats
Government officials and utility planners lack the tools and policies needed to address climate change's increasing threat, researchers told the EBA.
Massachusetts Department of Transportation
Electric Bus Program to ‘Kick into High Gear,’ ConnDOT Says
New England transit officials say the biggest challenge to transitioning state bus fleets to electric is not procurement, but upgrading fleet garages.
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SEIA Policy Forum Asks ‘To RTO or not to RTO?’
FERC Chair Richard Glick, Tony Clark and Suedeen Kelly discussed options for states seeking to interconnect more renewables at SEIA's 30x30 Policy Forum.
Conservatives Tout RTOs over Regulations as Enviro Solution
A panel of conservative electricity market experts argued that markets work better than public policy at encouraging and developing clean energy resources.

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