CA Legislation
Panelists at the RE+ Northern California conference discussed utility rate design to lessen the impact of decarbonization and wildfire mitigation on ratepayers.
A half dozen new climate and energy laws took effect in California on Jan. 1.
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed six air pollution reduction measures, bringing the total of climate-related bills enacted this legislative session to 40.
On the last night of the legislative session, lawmakers passed bills to extend the life of Diablo Canyon and increase GHG reduction and clean energy targets.
Andre m, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia
The California State Legislature passed a resolution requesting that CAISO report on efforts to create an RTO in the West and its potential benefits.
California lawmakers proposed a vague $21 billion climate and energy budget for FY 22-23 that would defer Gov. Gavin Newsom's specific plans, pending talks.
Laws that take effect this year could increase EV charging infrastructure, promote building decarbonization and convert more organic waste to biomethane.
Gov. Gavin Newsom stood in the smoke of Sequoia National Park on Thursday to discuss the $15 billion California is spending on climate resilience.
California lawmakers allocated $2.7 billion for ZEVs in the 2021-2022 state budget this summer and designated $1.2 million more in the next two years.
Washington’s climate change bills will not go into effect until the legislature passes a transportation budget. No one is quite sure when that will be.
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